Become a Gender Champion
Gender Champions must be the head of an organization or institution involved in any aspect of nuclear policy. Initial recruitment will focus primarily but not exclusively on Washington, DC-based non-governmental organizations, think tanks, activist groups, philanthropies, foundations, and women’s organizations. Over time, other sectors may be added. Each Champion will be featured on the Gender Champions in Nuclear Policy website.
Panel Parity Pledge
All Gender Champions sign the Panel Parity Pledge to avoid whenever possible appearing on single-sex panels. This Pledge applies to the Champions’ own appearances, not to their entire organization, as a way to demonstrate Champions’ personal commitment to gender parity.
Champions make three individualized “SMART” commitments that pertain to new or ongoing work to achieve gender equality in their organization and its activities. “SMART” commitments are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound.
Model commitments can be tailored to the specific needs and activities of each organization.
Focal Points
Each Champion assigns a Focal Point from their organization. Focal Points work on the implementation of the Champion’s commitments and represent the Champion and institution within the larger Focal Point network to share progress, best practices, and encouragement.
Champions, through their Focal Points, are responsible for tracking performance against their commitments and updating the Gender Champions in Nuclear Security team in support of annual reports on the achievements of the Gender Champions network.