Amber von Ruden
President, North American Young Generation in Nuclear

Amber von Ruden
President, North American Young Generation in Nuclear
- Provide transparency to relevant stakeholders through meetings, quarterly updates, and member newsletters (Executive Advisory Committee, membership, nuclear industry) about how the organization is doing in achieving its goals in diversity and inclusivity in the fourth quarter 2021.
- Utilize the Diversity & Inclusion Committee to drive increased membership diversity through development of member initiatives and creation of member content including webinars and website resources. Progress will be measured through the biannual career report results in second quarter 2022.
- Utilize succession planning via the succession planning document to support Board of Directors position nominations so that diverse candidates are actively encouraged by NAYGN to consider nomination. This includes a focus that at least 1/3 of Board positions have a strong female candidate considered as part of NAYGN’s Succession Plan in first quarter 2022. Also support diversity of chapter leads, committee leads, and regional leads by fourth quarter 2021.
- Develop and/or continue partnerships with both Women in Nuclear-USA and Women in Nuclear-CAN to better engage NAYGN’s membership with content tailored towards the inclusion of female nuclear professionals by fourth quarter 2021.